Free for creators

Get Spatial Studio up and running in just a few minutes

Sign up, install Spatial Studio, and download a free scene

What you'll need

A Mac Computer

The computer you'll use to create Spatial scenes

Spatial Studio

Download Spatial Studio for free

Headphones or Speakers

Spatial Headspace gives a shared preview of scenes

Sign up for Spatial Backstage Pass

Spatial is totally free for creators.
Get Started now

Install Spatial Studio

Spatial Studio is our creative tool for making and editing Spatial scenes. Sign in and head to Resources

Download a free scene in Spatial Studio

Several free scenes are already in your account - download them from the Scene Manager within Studio and have fun

Need more information on getting Spatial up and running?

Free for creators

Create your own scene

You bring the ideas, we'll handle the physics

What you'll need

A Mac Computer

The computer you'll use to create Spatial scenes

Spatial Studio

Download Spatial Studio for free

Headphones or Speakers

Spatial Headspace gives a shared preview of scenes

Create a new scene file

Create new scenes under File > New. These can be saved locally on your Mac for quick editing and preview

Add a few sound files

Add new Objects under Edit > New Object. From there you an add sound to your objects by right clicking the object and choosing Add Audio > As Object

Imagination: run wild

Learn about motion points, paths and more to Spatialize your space here

Need more information on creating your own scene in Spatial Studio?

Free for creators

Go fully Spatial

Time to step beyond headphones and change some realities

What you'll need

Spatial Studio

Spatial Studio can preview Scenes directly to a Space, no cloud required

A second Mac computer

A separate computer running Spatial Reality

Audio interface & speakers

Connect speakers to your Mac running Spatial Reality

Get the Mac that will run your Space(s)

Spatial Reality runs on a separate Mac from Spatial Studio

Add audio channels

Spatial supports direct-attached and networked speakers. See this article for help

Set up Spatial Reality

Download and install Spatial Reality on the dedicated Mac. See this article for help

Need more information on going full Spatial?

Free for creators

Publish to Spatial Central

Put it out there

What you'll need

Your Mac with Spatial Studio

The computer used to create and edit Spatial Scenes

Some Internet

Internet access to upload to Spatial Central

Name your Scene and add an image

Images are not mandatory, but definitely cooler

Publish your Scene to Spatial Central

We'll host all your Scenes in the cloud, so you can play them anywhere

Add your Scene to a Space

Fully Spatialized playback in your creative space is still completely free with Backstage Pass

Need more information on publishing Scenes?

Free for creators

Change your client's Spaces forever

They'll owe it all to you

What your client will need

Invite you to their commercial account

Commercial Spaces run on a separate account and license

A Mac computer

A dedicated computer running Spatial Reality

Spatial Control

Our iOS app to control your amazing work

Publish the Scene to your client's commercial Spatial account

Client's can invite you for free

Add the Scene to their Space(s)

We'll host all your Scenes in the cloud, so you can play them anywhere

Blow them away and make a business out of it

You choose how you want to be rewarded for your creativity

Need more information on transforming your client's spaces?

Create your Spatial account today

Explore which Spatial offering is best for you. You can get started for free, in minutes.

Get Started